
welcome to @illiteriate!

as y'all know, i'm ria, & my main twitter account is @S0LAR1A!

before you decide to follow me, please read all the info on this carrd first!

i also have a backup private twitter for if @illiteriate somehow gets restricted or suspended; that account is @xyrneas!

you can also click here to read my main carrd!


i do NOT put trigger warnings in ANY of my private tweets AT ALL. should i ever do it, the TWs will either be a joke or because it's very unexpected for me.

i only have 2 warnings on this account, and that is the disclaimer you see in this section of the carrd and my bio.

while i am not very nsfw on @illiteriate, i still say some stuff here and there.

i also say things that not everyone will agree with and i tend to be cutthroat and sometimes violent about it. if you don't like what i say, either agree to disagree and move on or soft-block me. i won't mind if you want to have a genuine conversation about the topic, but don't be sensitive about it.


biographical info:
my name is ria
my main twitter is @S0LAR1A
i was born april 26, 2002
i'm a taurus
i was born & raised in louisiana, usa
i'm asian (ethnicity is bengali)
i'm bisexual
my pronouns are she/they/xe/sola/lyra/fla
i'm muslim
i stan kpop & non-kpop

more about @illiteriate:
i do not put trigger warnings in my tweets
i only let people i trust follow me
if i feel i can't trust you as much as i used to or if i feel weird with you following me, i won't hesitate to soft-block and mute you
i don't mind if you follow this account with your main or priv at all, as long as i trust you you're fine; while i do prefer you follow with your priv (if you have a priv) i am okay with either account or both accounts
i tweet a lot on my private, be it a vent or just spamming
i am violent and graphic on this account
i tend to be mean

if you want to break the mutual...
SOFT-BLOCK ME. i say this because if you just straight unfollow, i'll still be following you and if i comment on one of your posts you won't see it at all because it's coming from a PRIVATE ACCOUNT.
if you can't soft-block me for whatever reason (like if we are in a group chat together, for example), then DM me individually about it and we can unfollow each other then.


triggers i mention
( ! = affecting me)
depression !
physical abuse (non-sexual) !
emotional abuse !
general child abuse !
anxiety !
suicide !
death !
self-harm !
racism towards asians !
sexism !
homophobia !
transphobia !
islamophobia !
jumpscares !
blood !
gore !
sexual abuse
animal abuse
racism in general
domestic violence

triggers i'm sensitive to
( + = more sensitive to)
animal abuse ++
jumpscares ++
domestic violence +
child abuse +
physical abuse (non-sexual) +
emotional abuse +
self-harm +
gore +
racism toward asians